Trinity Bursary Fund
Students learn best when they mix with people who have different experiences. If we all support the Trinity Bursary Fund, our school stays diverse and fair, and everyone benefits.

Disrupting the Pattern 2024‍

Telephone Campaign 2023
Telephone callers

About the Trinity Bursary Fund Telephone Campaign 2023

In 2019, Trinity embarked on an biennial programme of telephoning alumni, parents and friends, and the results have had a transformative effect on the lives of many students from the Croydon area. 

First and foremost, the campaign lets us keep in touch with you, updating you on what’s going on in and around the school. Our young alumni callers love the opportunity to speak with our wider Trinity community. Secondly, it offers you a chance to hear about the Trinity Bursary Fund and choose to offer your support. 

​We recruit up to 14 recent leavers. We pay for their time throughout the 2 week campaign. They receive comprehensive training prior to making their first calls. Not only do they gain new and develop existing transferable skills, they learn more about Trinity, its history, and how bursaries transform the lives of so many students. The new transferable skills they learn enhance their CVs. The timing of the campaign also ensures them plenty of time to continue with any university studies during the calling period.

We are very grateful for the support we receive and we are delighted that collectively our two previous Telephone Campaigns have raised more than £275,000, disrupting the pattern of educational inequality for many. 

Thank you for your support.

Call Preference Form

Please complete this short form if you would like to agree on a time and date for your call or if you would prefer not to receive a call on this occasion. Our Alumni callers are greatly looking forward to speaking with you this time or in the future. Many thanks.
Our callers will be working on Monday to Thursday evenings and from 2pm on the weekends.
The students will try calling you at this time.
Call preference: