Trinity Bursary Fund
Students learn best when they mix with people who have different experiences. If we all support the Trinity Bursary Fund, our school stays diverse and fair, and everyone benefits.

Disrupting the Pattern 2024‍

Legacy Pledges

Pay it Foward - Helping Future Generations of Croydon Children

Talent is universal, opportunity is not, especially in education. Entry to Russell Group universities is increased 12 times with a Trinity education in comparison to the Croydon state school sector.

By leaving a legacy, you will increase the number of students in Croydon we can give that opportunity to, and an educational path that they could never have thought possible. You'll help guide them to a brighter future, one full of learning and hope. 

Trinity has always prided itself on being an independent school which reflects the community around it. We can only continue to do that with your help. What has trinity given you? And what can you give Trinity?

Legacies don't need to be large. Even a small percentage of your estate, left as a gift, can make a big difference.

Why not join our Mitre Society and pledge to change your will to include the Trinity Bursary Fund? 

Legacy Pledge form


Your affiliation to Trinity

Which statement is true

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What has Trinity given you?

Life skills, confidence, sense of place. Trinity has been a significant influence on my life.


Tim Jupp - Class of 2002

When everything else has gone, education remains. This is what TSJW has given me. Also i recall Paul Wright and Don Dummer who gave me a love for French and languages in general, plus Voltaire.

Richard Dargan - Class of 1963

The friendship of the Trinity Club and the Mitre Players.

Alan Bishop - Class of 1976

My love of all things theatre. The Mitre Players - founder member! Most of my friends!! My wife (Coloma). And the opportunity to join and visit (far too often) the (now called) Trinity Club in Sanderstead.

Colin Warnock - Class of 1972

Lasting friendships with past colleagues. Satisfaction at having had a small part in the development of able and achieving adults..

Tim Cattell - Common Room

The opportunity to 'dispense' my subject (Spanish) to some brilliant pupils some of whom remain my friends 50 years later.

Roger Hart - Common Room

As a boy - an excellent education with outstanding teachers. As a member of staff - many opportunities to develop my interests - especially sub aqua diving. And as a result lots of lasting friendships.

Fraser Macdonald - Class of 1963 and Common Room

The joy of working in a theatre! The role of empowerment and autonomy in finding your future life and career.

Chris Lewis - Class of 2004